Supports being comfortable in your own skin. Allowing Your Self, which leaves more room to allow others to be whoever and however they are in this moment. One fun definition of love is "tolerating the manifestations of others." Allowing self also has the effect of redirecting victim tendencies and over-empathic responses.
This statement says it well: “You will know that you have achieved the state of Allowing when you are willing to allow another, even in their not allowing of you, when you are able to be that which you are, even when others do not approve of what you are; when yet you are still able to be that which you are, and not feel negative emotion toward their thought about you. When you can look into this world and feel joy all the time, you are an Allower. When you are able to know which experiences contain joy and which ones do not – and you have the discipline to participate only where there is joy – you will have achieved the sate of Allowing.” Abraham-Hicks
Information on this site is not intended as medical advice, but is for education only. Many historical and traditional uses and properties of herbs have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concerns, including pregnancy, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering herbs.