"What I can tell you, in the way of feedback about your session for me, is that the next day I had the sweetest, deepest meditation that I have had in years. In my early twenties I was a dedicated meditator, usually 2-4 hours a day. Then I got swallowed up by mundane life, and up to last week I hadn't been able to find the bliss that I experienced in those days. I've often wondered if I ever would again. My daily meditations since last week have continued to be wonderful and I don't doubt that I will find my way to the heights and depths that I used to experience and beyond. Thanks, Patti. I appreciate you and your work."
PN Oregon
"Thank you for your lengthy effort on my part yesterday, Patti. My mind is at peace knowing Mom has moved on and everything is well with her. Last night was the first night since her death that I haven't had nightmares. I thought Mom was involved in that but the clearing of the ancestors who plagued her appears to have solved the problem. Some of those entities were very ugly. I experienced their energy throughout my life. During the last months of Mom's life, they were very active through her and the abuse to me was horrid. I had to stop taking her phone calls because of the abuse. I saved the phone calls because there was a time I might have had to go to court for guardianship for she was threatening to take away my Power of Attorney. Thank God that was not necessary and the first thing I did after she died was to erase those damn messages."
MB New Mexico
"Phew. Today I am really feeling the work we did. I feel powerful and balanced and the I AM feeling is more solid. This is great. What we did really is having an even stronger effect. I am reading a book on flower essences. I think I may want to learn enough about them to use them a little. I don’t think I need to become an expert or anything but I like their effect and I think they are so good in conjunction with the other work."
FS Oregon
"I went through the series of 5 sessions of energy work with Patti with the intention of being grounded in the center of my own being. I began to notice a big difference after just the first session. I have been in the process of creating my own business and really needed some grounding because I am basically creating it all myself so the need to be grounded in myself was very high. I had done a lot of other healing before this but there were so many old patterns that I had let go of and so much constant change in my life that I felt ungrounded and was having a hard time keeping my center. In my sessions with Patti I really connected more deeply with all my chakras and even just standing I felt more connected to the earth and more physically balanced and hooked up to the flow of life. The combination of flower essences and Reiki was very powerful. I highly recommend this series for anyone going through transition in their lives such as starting a business, changing jobs, going back to school, getting into or out of a relationship, moving to a new town or other life transitions. It is very reasonably priced too."
FS Oregon
"Patti, So very nice to hear from you, thanks for holding space for me at the Reiki gathering. I wish I'd been there in person! I seem to be assimilating the Reiki energy into my body, mind, spirit and life very well thank you. My chakras have all opened up to the 2nd attunement and readjusted themselves to vibrating at a higher level. And of course my life is much improved in every way. Thanks to you, thanks to me, thanks to all the divine energy… Did I ever tell you that I am so happy you are in my life? It took me so many years to find you. Thankfully I did find you...
My 96 year old grandma who broke her hip, returned to her home and is physically doing pretty well after the surgery. It must be all the long distance Reiki I've been channeling her way, she would probably accuse me of hocus-pocus if she knew I were doing it.
Love and blessings to you and Joe."
CK Washington
"I am beginning to understand the manifestations of this clearing work. I often felt like I was moving through muddy thoughts to find what's really important, as much looks the same in a fog, others put things in front of me that were clearer, but for them, not for me. On a similar subject, a theme I notice is "muddy intentions." I think I had gotten strange results from the universe and others because of the lack of clarity. I was a little depressed earlier today because I didn't feel I had the clarity for goals at the moment, (life, career, art, even healing). All I know to do right now is ground, so that's enough at the moment. Remind me that seeking clarity is simply enough right now. I hope with time and practice that the big questions will come to light as well.
My solar plexus hardened when I ate raw sunflower seeds, so I threw them out. This is excellent that I was able to notice that reaction immediately and act upon it. When one is continually messed up, these changes were easy to ignore. Thanks for bringing the "raw foods and bran" issues to light in the last report."
BG Oregon
"Yes, indeed, Patti, Quite a day.... I'm so tired, but pleased as punch to be connecting at a deep way (as was so common 40-50 years ago). What a journey we bring together just being who we are. Thanks for the work you did... the sense of ___'s power over me seems to have gone... that's great! What a time to be alive... and envision a future of consciousness that's one of true honor of all that lives.
Love you too, sweetie.Thanks, Sister,"
SZ Oregon
"I feel so fortunate to have spoken with you the other night. You were/are so kind, loving and helpful to me and I am integrating "Gaia" into my life and really applying "composting". It's a stroke of genius and for me it is so helpful and I am also using the pendulum that you and Joe so kindly picked out for me and sent to me. I kind of could not see the forest through the trees and I am using your words of wisdom and everything else that you and Joe have brought into my life."
JV Nevada
"Patti has been coming to my home for several years now to help me with her clearing energy work. [Often this takes the form of what others would refer to as house keeping. Patti does more than that as she orders the energy in our home while cleaning.] At times I have asked Patti to help me with clearing energy from past occupants or unusual situations that have occurred in my home. Her uncanny sense of events and her psychic abilities all converge to help me and the areas around our home return to harmony so that we can all move on - the entities that have found their way here as well as my sometimes frenetic energy so that I can reach a more productive focus. Patti's growth has been phenomenal as she moves steadily towards her spiritual goals and brings those in her circle along on her journey. Thanks, Patti, for being a good friend!"
“Patti entered my life at a time when I was experiencing deep emotional growth...which meant I was in a really hard place. She was fully open to universal healing energy in her Reiki work and became a conduit, of sorts, helping me find my way through some very dark places. Through her Soul Clearing work, she was able to help me identify energies at play and enabled me to interpret how they 'looked' in my reality. Together we journeyed through major energy shifts. She was a beautiful companion to have on that leg of my journey and I am deeply grateful.”
Katie Oregon
"Thank you so much for your wonderful Reiki treatments given by distance while I was in Alabama caring for family. They and the Soul Clearing have made such a difference in my life and the lives of my family members who you have done clearing work for. The changes have been profound! I had watched my sister struggle in the process of a difficult divorce situation until you Cleared her, the lawyers and other members involved. Even the children seem more calm and centered around this difficult time. This is absolutely the best gift anyone could give to their loved ones."
Cindy A Oregon