A tonic and harmonizer for all chakras - not just seven. Helps to strengthen the inter-relationships of all the bodies - not just a few - within an individual's energy systems.
Helps restore strength and harmony during recovery from illness.
One of the best things for enhanced recovery after surgery. Before, too, since a balanced, calm state tends to make surgery go better than otherwise.
Useful for the range of emotions related to anger and, more broadly, the over-long holding of any emotion that carries even a tinge of obsession.
Makes for improved receptivity to spiritual support and good meditation.
Contains: Alyssum, Blueberry, Borage, Fuchsia, Holly, ReUnion Blend,Thyme, Zucchini, and fhe following, from Perelandra Essences: Eclipse, White Lightning, Royal Highness Roses, V-1, Soul Rays 1 and 7.
Information on this site is not intended as medical advice, but is for education only. Many historical and traditional uses and properties of herbs have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concerns, including pregnancy, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering herbs.